How to improve security at your place of business

How to improve security at your place of business

We live in a day and age where business owners are faced with constant security threats. Threats abound from competition all the way to burglars. Businesses need to ensure that there are appropriate measures in place to prevent unwanted trespassers stealing and damaging your property and hard-earned money. This unwanted entry can also put your staff and customers in a potentially violent situation.

Burglars Favorite Easy Target – shops and stores

Shops and stores have been repeatedly targeted by criminals. Owners can easily prevent these risks of attacks by simply upgrading security at the place of business. We have done all of the research for you and have the ways you can increase the security of your workplace with relatively low costs:

LocksUnlimited handy tips to secure your business

From LocksUnlimited experience, below are the ways businesses can increase the security of your workplace or business with relatively low costs:

  • Do not overcrowd your space. Have a clear view of your whole shop or store. This is essential. Having a crammed store is a thief’s dream! If they can’t see you, you usually can’t see them. This scenario is perfect for them. It makes it hard for you to see exactly have a view of what they have picked up and not paid for.
  • Magic Mirrors. Installing mirrors in the corners of your store gives you the ability to target blind spots within your store that can be used for shoplifting.
  • A View from the Outside. Have the inside of your shop visible to the people on the street. You can keep your gardens low keeping windows clear. Always ensures that the outside world can see you. This decreases the chance of your store being targeted in an armed robbery.

Securing your business

When it comes to spending money to secure your business it can get really expensive. Depending on specific circumstances, it may be beneficial for your business to consider the following choices to prevent mass theft and damage.

Basic Business Security Tips

For basic security measures, we suggest that you have:

  • CCTV.  This is now the minimum standard for security. Constantly recording and saving data is key so that if anything happens, you can at least have a view of what exactly happened.
  • Alarms. An alarm is one of the biggest deterrents for thieves, The loud sound attracting unwanted attention usually is enough for them to leave.
  • Security doors and fly screens.  Security doors and fly screens in any structure is essential. Make sure that you have all points of access fitted with a lockable screen.
  • Safe. Running a business often means that cash and valuables must be left unattended in the shop while it is closed. We recommend that you have a sturdy safe installed so that you can lock all valuables and cash away.

    Further Security, Enhanced Security

For further security for repeatedly targeted businesses, we suggest:

  • Security bollards. These are designed to keep vehicles out of areas where they shouldn’t be. We have seen more and more cases of cars being used as a weapon of choice when breaking in. Being able to literally drive through the shop, load up, then drive straight back out.
  • Security cage. Many of service stations, liquor stores, and milk bars have installed these security cages to protect their staff and products from theft.

Security person. A security guard, recently is a hit. Many businesses have required the assistance of a professional security guard. Some thieves just don’t care, the thought of being caught doesn’t faze them and know that there isn’t much that you can do to stop them from just walking out. Having a security guard means that your stock will be recovered on a more consistent basis and it will deter most thieves from even attempting to steal in the first place.

LocksUnlimited are here to help call us on 1300 303 720